Wednesday 30 November 2016

5: WW1 Projects

Image result for communism symbol

This week in IGS, we were given a project in Social Studies. At first my only thoughts were, "not another project." But know I'm seeing it has turned out to be a pretty good learning experience. This is because of the topic I was assigned; communism. I always just thought that communism was no more than every citizen getting the same amount of money for their job. Well, I wasn't wrong, but there is so much more. In fact a whole history on the in's and out's of this interesting system.
Through my brief studies I have learn that in some ways, communism sounds like the best idea to ever grace the planet. A world where everyone is equal, no wealth to fight over, everyone is given a equal chance. Sounds alright to me.
But time and time again it has shown that it just does not work. Why? There are a few key reasons. A simple way of putting them would be people become lazy, they have no initiative to work hard for more money as they have fixed wages. With no initiative to work products like grain or greatly under produced, therefor many mouths go unfed and profits from purchase of grain go down, causing a countless list of problems for the Country.
Today there are very few total communist countries due to it's reputation of bad endings. It will be interesting to see if those few remaining countries stay strong with their political belief. Maybe perhaps we will see a time were communism is done right and see it become more globally accepted and practiced. Only time will tell.
Until next blog,


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