Saturday 7 January 2017

6: Where To Invade Next

In this blog, I am writing about the Michael Moore documentary "Where To Invade Next." This was not your everyday on the block social studies documentary. It was interesting. In the film, stereo- typical American Michael Moore travels the globe in search for the most innovative and spectacular ideas around the world. His first stop, Italy. What he soon discovered was that the Italian government gives all of it's workers eight weeks paid vacation. EIGHT weeks. I couldn't believe it. My mind immediately imagined all the Disney lands and worlds that could be visited, big league ball park hot dogs that could be bought, with eight weeks of paid vacation. I think the Italians have it right. How can you expect to enjoy a vacation that you can't afford. I think if we brought this idea back to Canada we would all benefit from it. The whole philosophy thought up by the Italians is based on relaxation and happiness. Couldn't we all use some more of that. By going on more paid vacations, you would come back rejuvenated, relaxed and ready to take on the world (or your cubical). Don't let stress take control of your life, show stress who's boss with a couple weeks in Hawaii. So in conclusion, I believe we most certainly should steal this page out of Italy's book, and reward hard working Canadians with more time off to relax and be with their families. As the Italian couple said in the documentary " You only have one life, enjoy it."