Saturday 29 October 2016

1: World War 1

The first world war took place from July 28th 1914 - 1918. We start with the assassination of the Austria-Hungary Archduke, Franz Ferdinand. Then one month later...Boom, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. This causes a chain reaction across Europe, and before we know it just weeks later the whole world gets pulled into this bout we know as, "The Great War." In the first days of study I have learned that this war was created on nationalism and alliances. Now you can easily imagine why this might be a problem. We all know that the only thing worse than a stubborn, super powerful leader who thinks they are always right, is two stubborn super powerful leaders who think they are always right.

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When I learned that we were going to study the first world war I was excited, and utterly clueless. This topic was so immensely over shadowed by it's counter part WW2, that it was hard to imagine a war without the antagonist being named Adolf. The only back ground knowledge I had prior to the beginning of this study were the red poppies of Remembrance Day, but that's what makes it exciting. Our class has barley scratched the surface of the topic. So for now, my first blog is not so much about what I have learned, but looking forward to future knowledge. I am very interested to see how this war differs from other historic wars, and also how battles where fought before the weapon of technology came to play. How the war to end all wars shaped future events and society today.
Until next blog, I look forward to learning more about the Great War.